
Thursday, July 25, 2024


I thought today I would write about something that just made me even step back and think how lucky I was. You see I just had bad timing with many things happening at once and I had 5 surgeries in 6 weeks. Then needing weeks to recover. Money hitting an all time low and sitting in my wheelchair thinking if I wasn't smart enough to cover my rent right now I would have ended up homeless again. 

That's a lesson I never want to experience again. But it made it so easy to see how hard times can so quickly turn someone's life around. Think about this for a moment, How long could you go without earning money before you yourself get into trouble?

For a lot of people it's a matter of weeks or few months.

I was so looking forward to returning back to selling The Big Issue magazines because yes I needed money badly and I still appreciated that I still could and get my life back towards on track.

Today made me so grateful in a way that I had been homeless in the past and now really look for things that can go wrong to cause homeless again. To be honest this makes me want to help homeless people that much more because let's face it, it could happen to anyone just because they had a hard run at life all at once. 

So maybe don't judge someone that is hitting hard times because we may not know what happened to put them there.

This is one reason I brought in "A pie and coke" it means asking a homeless or someone in need if they would like to have lunch with you and just shut up and listen to their story. Sometimes it's can be simple things that helps them get back on their feet for example having a friend that believes in them and offers advice and a kind ear.

I know I have helped many just sitting and having lunch with someone down on their luck and I hope I never stop trying because I have had many success stories.

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a great day.
Grant the polite Guy

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Christmas Morning

I would like to start this post by saying that when I write these it's not meant to say I better then anyone because I tend to put a lot of time towards helping people but to say I it's sometimes not hard to make or be the difference and if I can do it then maybe you could too. But in saying that I very much believe people coming together can make wonders happen just look at the Signal Flare BBQ's (Facebook) still happening after a lot of friends and I got together to help.

This post is about my Christmas Day. 

A few days before Christmas I worked and a few people gave me a gift card and some tips and I knew exactly what to do with it. The day before Christmas I went to Coles and bought a bag of sausages and a loaf of bread all excited for Christmas morning.

Christmas morning came and jumped on my scooter and went down to the Wynnum waterway where I knew there was homeless and started going around saying "I didn't have anyone to share Christmas with and would they like to join me" Not saying "Hey your homeless here I have food for you" I think some people make homeless feel worst trying to help by the way things are worded.

I honestly was shocked that 23 homeless people joined me to enjoy time together and sausages on bread. Yes I know I forgot the sauce haha But it was the sitting and just listening to their stories and of course seeing the smiles that made it more then worth while.

I am sad to say we ran out of sausages quickly as I only bought so many but they stay and just chatted. No one had anywhere to go. It was not long before someone (Not me) started the Christmas song which was not good at all for me because I was really bad at singing but I did. haha

No one cared I couldn't sing well and to be honest most of them couldn't either haha But I was there about 4 hours and I must say for the cost of some sausages and bread plus a little bit of time I had one of the best Christmas day I have had in many years. I know I made friends that day and yes I say hi and chat when I see them. 

Yes they are "Homeless People" but if you take the word "Homeless" away then they are "People" just like you and I because they are someone's Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Aunty or even a Cousin. 

I feel the only mistake I made with doing this, well apart from not have sauce is waiting till Christmas day because Christmas day didn't make this great, Going down there did with that bag of sausages and an open heart.

I hope you enjoyed my writing. 
I hope you have a great day, Thank you for reading.
Grant the Polite Guy

Thursday, August 17, 2023

 Now this post was a few weeks in making and it really will make me look bad but I know it's helped 1 boy I hope for the rest of his life.

Every once in a while I get people (Mostly customers) telling me problems from home. I am always willing to listen and even give advice if I can. One problem I hear all to often is someone saying their son or daughter is going down the wrong path and taking to drugs or even going as far as being a dealer.

One morning I will call her Jane bought a magazine and all of a sudden crying while telling me her son started dealing drugs. All I could do is try giving her comforting words and let her know it may be a phase and he will grow out of it. I was feeling bad when my mouth worked before the brain started and said " Can you bring him into the city? I will make out I use drugs in a big way and put across I lost my leg because of a hotshot (A bad dose of drugs).

The words came from my mouth before thinking and then I really was thinking I knew very little of anything about drugs only what people had told me. Sometime homeless would talk to me about drugs and mostly wanting to get off them. But I knew how drug addicts acted from seeing people like that.

She said she could bring her son into the city tomorrow if I wanted to talk to him. I told her I would scare the boy and hope to put on the right path. My plan was to pretend to be a drug addict and show how things can really turn bad. So we set a time and place and I told her I would be there and what to expect from me in a way to help.

All day while selling my Big Issue mags I was thinking what I would say and do but mostly thinking if it didn't work or he didn't believe me then maybe push him more towards that path because at the young age of doing everything against advice and thinking he knows it all. You know what I mean haha

The next morning came and I must say I was nervous, I am not very good at acting and always prefer to me. I had made a sale when I looked up from putting money away I seen (I will call her Susie) when Susie comes I always put my mags down and roll towards the bins where we can have a smoke and chat away from other people. I have a lot of time for Susie because she is a good girl at heart and almost every time we talk she says about getting back on her feet and going to rehab to get off the drugs which I always am positive about people getting back on their feet and stepping up in the world again.

I told Susie I had a chance to help a boy before he gets in too deep with drugs and before I could mention much more she said she would come and help because helping the boy would remind her why she's wants to give up and it was true she had expertise I didn't so I agreed. I felt bad because in a way I felt I was using Susie to help because I was a coward to do it myself because of fear of failing. 

The time came all four turned up and started sitting around a table for a good 5 minutes when Susie grabbed the young guys arm and said they were having a chat at a different table. I went towards the 2 of them 3 times when Susie put her hand out as if to stay away while they talked.

I don't really know what Susie said but I could see a tear building up as if he was about to cry as they walked back and he hugged his mum saying no more doing drugs and he was sorry to put through all this. Jane and her son left and I asked Susie what she said "Simple I said the truth and you owe me lunch." with a feeling good proud smile. We went to a food court and we started talking about how she was going to give up the drugs.

3 Days later Jane walked up to me and was excited her son was not taking drugs and I said they were off to a great start and really in my heart was excited for them both. I have seen Susie a few times since then and we have a smoke together and she still talks about one day going to rehab but today was not going to be the day. I will always be there as a friend and encourage her but at the end of it she needs to make the decision to do it. 

I did change the names out of respect to the people I write about.
Thank you for reading my story and I hope you have a good day. 
Grant the Polite Guy
Grant Richards 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 Here we go again:

Well I have to say I knew I had to write this post but been putting it off because in a way writing about it makes it more real in my mind and to be honest I can't believe I am back here with my life. 

As a lot of you knew me before or you can read past posts I had an accident and spent 9 months in hospital then became homeless which while working selling Big Issue I was helping many people along the way.

I joined together with Bernie and others to build an amazing charity which is still going today helping thousands of people every year. Signal Flare 

I got on my feet with getting accommodations and getting work as a Traffic controller. I will be honest I couldn't be more prouder. I had done it. I never knocked back extra shifts I always turned up early for work I was a good employee. I was so good I got offered work up at the mines which has same pay rate but many more hours so the money was good. 

I would do 14hrs days, 21 days straight and then 5 days off. Yes that was hard to do but they looked after us well with food and units.

If I could finish the post right here I would be very happy but there is more to the story.

(This part I will lightly write about because I still get nightmares about it)

Having a head on incident with a Road train I was flown back to Brisbane and had PDST with nightmares and being a nervous wreck with shakes all the time.

I didn't work for about 8 months when one of my ex work mates called and told me about a great job in Perth and I had now gain more then enough experience to get the job. All I had to do was a 3 day course because WA road laws are different then apply.

I was unsure because I knew I wasn't really recovered but I thought at least having a go was a great start.

I paid for my flight, course and hotel for the 4 days I would be there. I was trying to be positive thinking getting out and back to work might even help me get stronger faster.

Day 1 I went to the course and I have to say I Ace'd it. I didn't want to just pass this course I wanted to know everything it had to offer so I could use it at work.

I left after the first day beaming with a smile. In my way it was me taking back control of my life and not sitting at home thinking of road trains. I went to the local pub for dinner as the motel not do food. I had curry chicken and rice feeling good about myself

Now I didn't know this at the time but when I was eating a piece of chicken had clung to my esophagus wall (food pipe) and as I was eating more it pushed the chicken down and tore a hole in the wall causing internal bleeding.

I felt fine and went home. About 1 hour later I felt a bit sick like I had a flu or something so I layed down on bed to rest and fell asleep. I woke with blood all over the bed and quickly went to the bathroom for a shower. Blood coming from mouth and other end as I pasted out 2 times in shower. I had tried to stand but fell every time I had no energy so I dragged myself on my belly to the door and tried in a very weak voice to call for help.

I did passed out at the door and woke when ambulance arrived, to be honest I was in and out of consciousness a lot I not remember. I know I was code 1 on the way to hospital and died for 2 minutes at some point.

I woke the next day missing a leg and told what had happened. I had lost so much blood there was no blood flow to my leg so I lost it. They put that down to the fact I have polycythaemia rubra vera which is a strand of Leukemia.

I am sorry if that was hard to read I can say writing it was so much harder

I spent 5 months in hospital in there rehabilitation ward.

Now here I am again selling Big Issue magazines.

All the injuries and losing a leg while having leukemia is going to slow me down but I know I will work hard selling Big Issue and I will bounce back. 

Thank you very much for reading my blog and I hope you have a great day.
I have a donation button if you would like.

Grant the Polite Guy
0476 796 708 


Saturday, September 2, 2017

Homeless again

Well as you know I worked hard to get on my feet. But a few days ago I was kicked out and found myself with no money and nowhere to stay. Homeless again.
The difference this time is I  know I can get back on my feet, I just need to stay positive.
I have nothing but a bag of clothes and my car but I know I can do it.
I went back to selling Big Issue magazines which I'm grateful I can.
I have positive news from here though. WOOHOO.
I went to my surgeon appointment and he said the bad pain I have is not because of my blood condition but it's nerve problems which means no more surgery for this little black duck WOOHOO.
In a way getting surgery now would have meant accommodation in hospital for a week so would have been good too. Haha
I found a little one bedroom unit for $235 a week so I'm staying positive about getting the money for first two weeks rent and then putting furniture in it. Starting all over again OHNO.
But when thinking about sleeping in the streets or in my car it's worth it.
So I don't care how many magazines I have yo sell I will get on my feet.
I would like to say that if someone has a spare lounge, bed, kitchen stuff or household items please let me know.
I know I have written about getting back on my feet and then helping so many people do the same. Just know I will be helping others again but first I need to help me now.
Thank you very much for reading my blog and if you like my stories please donate at the top left hand side of screen.
Have a great day.
Grant the Polite Guy 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Helping Homeless in a big way

Afternoon all, as most of you know I’m going to my last Signal Flare Homeless BBQ this Sunday the 7th as I am stepping away from the big homeless BBQ’s that I started many years ago and putting a lot more of my efforts towards helping people in a much bigger way one on one. Signal Flare has an amazing board and will continue to grow and do many more events helping thousands of people. I’ll still help with foodvans some nights a week throughout Brisbane when I can though.

I’m going to help homeless and people in need to start getting on their feet more with helping them into accommodations, getting a job, getting counselling, but more so being someone that is happy to walk with them at their pace towards getting on their feet.  

It is hard getting a homeless person a job, big gap in work history and most are not used to working so many hours and to say the least most have no or very little experience in anything. A tough challenge but I think of it this way it’s going to be a lot easier if I’m helping them.

Now I’ve been thinking of different jobs I could help look for which is a challenge because most have no or little experience. Talking with a few mates and great contacts I have in the city we are putting a new project together which I’ll be running at first to build it up and get regular customers while working out the does and don’ts with everything.

I contacted Mayfair Dry Cleaning in the city (The BIGGEST Dry Cleaners in the CBD for 60yrs) and we are going to be offering a pick up and drop off service for people in the city. People book and I’ll come around and pick up the clothes and take to Dry Cleaners once cleaned I’ll deliver them back. Now the best news is the dry cleaners is doing all the billing and everything else I’ll just be doing pick up and deliveries. The Dry Cleaners pay a commission to me so the price is the same for the customers as if they dropped off to the shop. Sounds awesome right!!!

Think of it this way, if this works well all there is to this is picking up and dropping off clothes. I can easily train and give an opportunity to many people who want to get on their feet. Please note I’m not going to be sending homeless into offices to collect dry cleaning, by the time their ready to do this I’ve already helped them in a huge way getting on their feet including having accommodation (If needed) and looks professional.

I know right now you’re thinking but I work outside of the CBD. That’s awesome if you get let’s say 20 items or more then we will come collect as long as within Brisbane suburbs.

Now here’s the great news if we collect before 9am then you’ll have your dry cleaning back within 4-5hrs and all the cleaning and billing is all done through a 60yrs business with a lot of experience. WOOHOO.

I want to add this because it’s important. I am only building this so I can help people in the future when it’s running well but if you drop off yourself to one of his shops then we have no part in it so please click the pick up service it’s free to you, saves you time and your helping people in a positive way.

Right now go to and book for tomorrow morning pick up.


Now a lot of people are asking about what I’m intending to do for Papua New Guinea. I’m still collection toiletries, clothes, food and much more filling a 20ft shipping container to send over and handing everything out for free. But I’m also starting a small business there making PNG branded bikini’s and swim wear for selling to tourist, markets and hopefully overseas. But this business I’ll be setting up and once running I intend to give for free to a family looking to run it. If I can I’ll help set up quite a few business over there and give them away for free to people who show they want to run a business. Of course I’ll make sure they know everything needed and introduce them to many contacts in that field who will offer advice and help.

Writing all this I just realized I have a lot of favours to ask from a lot of my contacts depending what they do. Hahahaha.

I work real hard and get amazing results for someone who don’t get paid and in fact sells Big Issue mags for income.

Thank you very much for reading my blog and I hope you have a great day. If you enjoy my stories or writing please consider donating using the “Donation Button” at the top left of the screen.

Grant Richards
Grant the Polite Guy

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Fired Up

Firstly I’m really sorry I had to delete my last few post.

I was very depressed earlier this morning, but to be honest it was someone that knew me as a homeless guy that really renewed my fire in helping people.

You see when he knew me I was homeless with nothing and I got an idea of asking a lot of people for clothes they didn’t want, toiletries and food and started my first Homeless BBQ where we helped about 400 homeless. It went on to doing BBQ’s every 8 weeks and a couple of years later turned into a charity “Signal Flare” which is still going and doing events every 8 weeks.

I was depressed because I over the last few months I wanted to start helping people in Papua New Guinea which is very much a 3rd world country and only a few hundred kilometres away from Australian shores . I went to my own charity and two others to ask for help. I was rejected and told no. I felt like giving up and quitting.

No I asked and he don’t want me to mention his name so I’ll call him “Tom”

Tom asked me if I had the same charities helping with the first Homeless BBQ I did? I said no

Tom asked if I still did the Big Issue magazines for income. I said Yes.

He went on to say how inspired he was just knowing me because aside of all the spinal damage, being homeless, having nothing to my name I still was so determined to make them BBQ’s happen just to help others. He did say more but I don’t want a BIG head writing it, haha

He went on to ask why was I down because a few people don’t want to support me in this project? My answer was easy “Because it’d be easier” haha. “Then it wouldn’t be a project worthy of you mate. If it was easy others would have already done it.”

Believe when I say I’m all fired up again and I’m going to still help homeless and people need in Australia but I guarantee I am going to get shipping containers, fill them with clothes, toiletries and canned food then ship them and hand out everything for free to people who really are doing things tough. Then I’m going put windows and a door in the shipping container and give it for free to a family to live in.

Also I’m going to think of and help put some kind of business’s together to hand to people to own and run as a means of earning income. This seems hard right now but unless someone says let’s get it done it’ll never get easier.

So I’m going back to my basics like I was before and being “Grant the Polite Guy” a Big Issue vendor that helps people.

I’m going to make this post short because I have a lot of calls to make.

I don’t believe one man can make a difference, but I believe a lot of people can get help when a community comes together to say “I give a shit and want to help.”

Thank you very much for reading my blog. I hope you all have a great day. If you like my stories/writing please feel free to donate using the top right hand of the screen button.

Grant the Polite Guy
Grant Richards