
Thursday, July 25, 2024


I thought today I would write about something that just made me even step back and think how lucky I was. You see I just had bad timing with many things happening at once and I had 5 surgeries in 6 weeks. Then needing weeks to recover. Money hitting an all time low and sitting in my wheelchair thinking if I wasn't smart enough to cover my rent right now I would have ended up homeless again. 

That's a lesson I never want to experience again. But it made it so easy to see how hard times can so quickly turn someone's life around. Think about this for a moment, How long could you go without earning money before you yourself get into trouble?

For a lot of people it's a matter of weeks or few months.

I was so looking forward to returning back to selling The Big Issue magazines because yes I needed money badly and I still appreciated that I still could and get my life back towards on track.

Today made me so grateful in a way that I had been homeless in the past and now really look for things that can go wrong to cause homeless again. To be honest this makes me want to help homeless people that much more because let's face it, it could happen to anyone just because they had a hard run at life all at once. 

So maybe don't judge someone that is hitting hard times because we may not know what happened to put them there.

This is one reason I brought in "A pie and coke" it means asking a homeless or someone in need if they would like to have lunch with you and just shut up and listen to their story. Sometimes it's can be simple things that helps them get back on their feet for example having a friend that believes in them and offers advice and a kind ear.

I know I have helped many just sitting and having lunch with someone down on their luck and I hope I never stop trying because I have had many success stories.

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a great day.
Grant the polite Guy

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